Association for Safe Alternatives in Childbirth
Helping families have better births
Image by Vannessa Brown Photography
The Association for Safe Alternatives in Childbirth envisions a world in which every person gives birth with dignity, and experiences an empowered transition into parenthood, allowing their children to have the best start possible to their lives. We are part of a growing network of parents and health professionals who believe that childbirth is a normal and healthy part of life, of special significance to the pregnant parent and their family.
ASAC was created to encourage alternatives to the technological approach. We believe parents have the right and the responsibility to make informed choices about childbirth and that a full range of options should be available to them – in the hospital, at home, in a birthing centre, and with professional caregivers of their choice. We are particularly oriented toward midwifery, and we are based in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Community Resource Listings
Pregnancy, birth & parenting related business listings.
Image by Vannessa Brown Photography
Birth Issues Magazine
Birth Issues is the magazine published for the past 35 years that educates Canadians about options in Childbirth. It is well-known for its birth stories written by ordinary, yet extra-ordinary, families. Its aim is to provide a positive perspective on childbirth and to push the boundaries of the status-quo.
Birth & Baby Talks
ASAC is excited to offer an 11- week FREE information series on fertility awareness to breastfeeding, and everything in between.
Image by Tia Biggs Doula & Photographer
Bring your baby, toddler, or preschooler, and meet other parents while the little ones play.
Note: Playgroup is currently paused.
Pregnancy, birth & parenting related articles.
Image by Seeds of Love Photography